6-day schedules (part 2)
Part I of this series was posted a few days ago and discussed some of the problems surrounding 6-day schedules.Β I recommend you read that posting before going forward with this one. Todayβs post will begin the focus on schedule patterns; specifically, those patterns that cover 24 hours a day for 6 days each week.Β … Continue reading “6-day schedules (part 2)”
6-day schedules (part 1)
Sometimes companies are born into a 24/7 schedule. An example would be a refinery. From the moment it was conceived until it reached operational retirement, it was a 24/7 operation. There are many examples like this. More often than not, 24/7 schedules are something that companies grow into. They start off covering one or two … Continue reading “6-day schedules (part 1)”
The Cost of Time
Suppose I asked you the following question: “Will an employee make more or less money when they work overtime?” You might quickly answer: “Yes. They make anywhere from 50% to 100% more when they are being paid at the overtime rate.” And you would be right. Now, suppose I asked you, “Which costs you, the … Continue reading “The Cost of Time”
Where did all of the 8-hour shifts go?
In today’s work environment, compressed workweeks, telecommuting and competition for labor have conspired to make 8-hour shifts a vanishing breed. Twenty-five years ago, 8-hour shifts were everywhere. Today, they are an anomaly – especially in operations covering 24/7 in the United States. I stress the “United States” because our national labor laws allow for compressed … Continue reading “Where did all of the 8-hour shifts go?”
Call Center Scheduling
There is a big difference between creating a shift schedule for a manufacturing plant and a call center. More often than not, manufacturing tends to have steady workloads throughout a shift. While there may be someday to day variations or even seasonality, these are relatively minor compared to what goes on at a call center. … Continue reading “Call Center Scheduling”
A bird in the hand
I help companies change schedules. I do this for a living. Some people think the hardest part is coming up with a schedule. Generally speaking, that is the easiest part of my job. Helping people to overcome the anxiety of change is much more complicated. I will give a short example here. Companies that use … Continue reading “A bird in the hand”
Considerations for Multiple Schedules
Often, when we start on a project with a company, the question will be asked, “Can we put in more than one schedule?” The intent is to discern if such a thing is actually possible or too complicated to consider. The answer is almost always, “Yes, in fact, you already have multiple schedules being worked … Continue reading “Considerations for Multiple Schedules”
A schedule is more than a day-on-day-off pattern
Most people that come to our site are thinking “I need a shift schedule so all I need to do is search the internet until I find a pattern that I like.” There are several “Danger Will Robinson” issues associated with this idea. First of all, what you like may not be what everyone else … Continue reading “A schedule is more than a day-on-day-off pattern”