
Where did all of the 8-hour shifts go?

In today’s work environment, compressed workweeks, telecommuting and competition for labor have conspired to make 8-hour shifts a vanishing breed. Twenty-five years ago, 8-hour shifts were everywhere.  Today, they are an anomaly – especially in operations covering 24/7 in the United States. I stress the “United States” because our national labor laws allow for compressed … Continue reading “Where did all of the 8-hour shifts go?”

Staffing, overtime and your schedule

One of the most common and misunderstood issues surrounding schedules is the relationship between staffing, overtime and the schedule itself. The reality is that a schedule has no impact on the quantity of overtime your site is experiencing. Overtime is a function of (1) How much work is there to do and (2) How many … Continue reading “Staffing, overtime and your schedule”

Call Center Scheduling

There is a big difference between creating a shift schedule for a manufacturing plant and a call center. More often than not, manufacturing tends to have steady workloads throughout a shift. While there may be someday to day variations or even seasonality, these are relatively minor compared to what goes on at a call center. … Continue reading “Call Center Scheduling”

The FDA and Sanitation

Everyone in the food industry is rapidly becoming aware of the new sheriff in town. The FDA has vastly more authority than it did only a few months ago and it’s having an impact on how companies are looking at their sanitation scheduling and standards. (see the Food Safety Modernization Act). I have worked at … Continue reading “The FDA and Sanitation”

Shift Schedules for the Food Manufacturing Industry – how to eliminate overcapacity

Shift work – The more you learn about it, the more you find out how much you didn’t know. I have friends that know very little about what I do for a living.  When I say “I evaluate, design and implement shift schedules,” they will respond with “Aren’t all shift schedules basically the same?” I … Continue reading “Shift Schedules for the Food Manufacturing Industry – how to eliminate overcapacity”

The Impact of Local Unemployment

More often than not, companies come to us when they are out of capacity.  Overtime is high and the workforce is becoming tired.  Absenteeism is leading to under-staffing and more overtime.  This is the type of death-spiral that does not right itself unassisted. Improved shift scheduling can help.  However, one component is often to bring … Continue reading “The Impact of Local Unemployment”

How will a new schedule impact your Employee Handbook?

Measure twice, cut once. This adage is as applicable to a schedule change as it is for those in the carpentry trade. Make one mistake and either be prepared to live with it or face the uphill battle of yet making another major change to your workplace. There are all types of pitfalls.  You can … Continue reading “How will a new schedule impact your Employee Handbook?”

Is Overtime Really a Problem?

I recently participated in an online forum about the “Evils of Overtime.”  I was surprised at how uniformly overtime is seen as something to be avoided.  Its as if overtime was a measurement of how poorly you were managing your workforce.  Here was one of my comments: Overtime is only a problem if you see … Continue reading “Is Overtime Really a Problem?”

Why should you consider changing your shift schedule?

Changing shift schedules is not like changing the curtains in your kitchen. It’s complicated.  It disrupts your workforce.  It takes a great deal of effort in an area that you likely have very little experience AND if you make a mistake, you must be prepared to live with it for a very long time. So, … Continue reading “Why should you consider changing your shift schedule?”