
Best practices in shiftwork operations (Part 5 of 10)

Actively look for way for the workforce to make decisions about their job.Β  In most cases, an hourly worker knows more about how to do their job than their supervisor.Β  This makes them an excellent source of ideas for improvement.Β  Additionally, like all of us, shift workers are more likely to support an idea that … Continue reading “Best practices in shiftwork operations (Part 5 of 10)”

What does work-life balance mean to your employees?

If you have 400 employees, you have around 400 different opinions about what constitutes a good work-life balance. So, how do you go about identifying which ones are the most crucial and what is your plan of action going forward, to address these issues? After more than 30 years of working with shift workers and … Continue reading “What does work-life balance mean to your employees?”

Best Practices in Shift Work Operations (Part 4 of 10)

It takes an order of magnitude greater effort to recruit from another plant than from the ranks of the unemployed. During times of low unemployment, it is important to understand the cost of your options for keeping a position filled.  You can hire people off the street but there is always the β€œWhy don’t they … Continue reading “Best Practices in Shift Work Operations (Part 4 of 10)”

A message to the shift worker

The question of when and how to address workers before a change can be challenging. One of the main reasons companies come to Shiftwork Solutions for help is our reputation for engaging the workforce ─ before a shift schedule change takes place. However, there is always the question of β€œHow should we first introduce Shiftwork … Continue reading “A message to the shift worker”

Make Flexible Scheduling part of your Shiftwork Operation

During the pandemic, many companies have found that flexible scheduling ideas such as work-from-home, helped them to attract and retain valuable employees. A neat trick during a tight labor market if you can pull it off. However, for many companies with production lines on-site, work-from-home is not feasible. Does this mean flexible scheduling is not … Continue reading “Make Flexible Scheduling part of your Shiftwork Operation”

Is it possible to implement multiple schedules at one site?

One of the most common questions we hear from our clients at Shiftwork Solutions is, β€œCan we implement more than one schedule?” The answer is yes!  This may be the best solution for several reasons, but it comes with caveats. More schedules mean more complexity. The complexity must be evaluated on a risk v. reward … Continue reading “Is it possible to implement multiple schedules at one site?”

Best Practices in Shift Work Operations (Part 3 of 10)

Don’t assume a 15-minute change in shift times is β€œno big deal”. Managers judge a schedule by β€œthe coverage it provides.”  Shift workers, on the other hand, judge a schedule by β€œthe time off it provides.”  In other words, they are looking at the type of lifestyle they can carve out around the time they … Continue reading “Best Practices in Shift Work Operations (Part 3 of 10)”

Attracting and Creating a Sticky Workforce

Over the last several years, the number one issue that companies bring to Shiftwork Solutions is the difficulty they are having with keeping vital job postings filled.   This comes from a combination of high turnover and less than fruitful recruiting efforts.   Let’s start with the obvious ─ there is a lot of value in … Continue reading “Attracting and Creating a Sticky Workforce”

Things to Consider when Changing Shift Schedules

by Jim Dillingham, Partner, Shiftwork Solutions It’s amazing how something that looks so simple can be so hard. After all, what could be easier? Just post a new schedule on the bulletin board and implement it on Monday. Or post a couple of schedules and let the workers choose the one they want. How could … Continue reading “Things to Consider when Changing Shift Schedules”

Characteristics of Effective Shift Schedules

When considering alternative shift schedules, you should evaluate how they affect your cost structure and whether they make your operation easier to manage. At a minimum, an effective schedule should: Keep your best and/or most expensive equipment productive, i.e. maximize your equipment utilization. Provide continuous coverage in areas that have significant start-up and shutdown costs. … Continue reading “Characteristics of Effective Shift Schedules”