
Make Flexible Scheduling part of your Shiftwork Operation

During the pandemic, many companies have found that flexible scheduling ideas such as work-from-home, helped them to attract and retain valuable employees. A neat trick during a tight labor market if you can pull it off. However, for many companies with production lines on-site, work-from-home is not feasible. Does this mean flexible scheduling is not … Continue reading “Make Flexible Scheduling part of your Shiftwork Operation”

Is it possible to implement multiple schedules at one site?

One of the most common questions we hear from our clients at Shiftwork Solutions is, “Can we implement more than one schedule?” The answer is yes!  This may be the best solution for several reasons, but it comes with caveats. More schedules mean more complexity. The complexity must be evaluated on a risk v. reward … Continue reading “Is it possible to implement multiple schedules at one site?”

Best Practices in Shift Work Operations (Part 3 of 10)

Don’t assume a 15-minute change in shift times is “no big deal”. Managers judge a schedule by “the coverage it provides.”  Shift workers, on the other hand, judge a schedule by “the time off it provides.”  In other words, they are looking at the type of lifestyle they can carve out around the time they … Continue reading “Best Practices in Shift Work Operations (Part 3 of 10)”

Attracting and Creating a Sticky Workforce

Over the last several years, the number one issue that companies bring to Shiftwork Solutions is the difficulty they are having with keeping vital job postings filled.   This comes from a combination of high turnover and less than fruitful recruiting efforts.   Let’s start with the obvious ─ there is a lot of value in … Continue reading “Attracting and Creating a Sticky Workforce”

Turning Disruption into Opportunity

2020 has been a year unlike any other. The pandemic upended daily routines and many of our clients have been facing unexpected challenges. Swings in consumer demand and COVID-19 compliance issues tested even the most talented problem solvers. In these situations, many companies saw an increased need for specialized expertise to navigate unfamiliar waters. Addressing … Continue reading “Turning Disruption into Opportunity”

Creating Social Distancing While Maintaining Production Levels

The global pandemic has caused a major economic slowdown forcing many companies to scale back production due to sharp cuts in demand. Suppose this doesn’t apply to you and instead, your demand has remained unchanged. Do you need to do anything differently? If your company depends on having a healthy workforce, the answer is obviously … Continue reading “Creating Social Distancing While Maintaining Production Levels”

Ramping down production in an uncertain economic environment

Staffing done right in a shiftwork operation The Institute for Supply Management’s New Orders Index reported nine industries where new orders declined in March [1]. If your company is among those who experienced a demand drop due to the COVID-19 disruption and therefore, you want to swiftly ramp down your production ― you are going … Continue reading “Ramping down production in an uncertain economic environment”

Ramping up production

Staffing done right in a shiftwork operation If your company is among those who experienced a demand surge due to recent disruptive changes and therefore, you want to swiftly ramp up your production ― you are going to need a plan of action. How do you take the first step in the design of matching … Continue reading “Ramping up production”

Free Video Conference Consultation

During this time of uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 virus, we here at Shiftwork Solutions have asked ourselves, “What can we do to help our shiftwork communities get through this?” Last week, we shared some “out of the box” type ideas to consider in your battle against Covid-19. We’ve received several positive responses to this … Continue reading “Free Video Conference Consultation”

Things to Consider when Changing Shift Schedules

by Jim Dillingham, Partner, Shiftwork Solutions It’s amazing how something that looks so simple can be so hard. After all, what could be easier? Just post a new schedule on the bulletin board and implement it on Monday. Or post a couple of schedules and let the workers choose the one they want. How could … Continue reading “Things to Consider when Changing Shift Schedules”