If you want happier employees this year, you may consider doing some things differently than last year. Otherwise, if you do what you did, you’ll get what you got. Employee engagement, better-work life balance, and improved communication might be at the top of the wish list. But what comes after establishing these resolutions? How to execute on those? You may start collecting a set of SMART goals1 that support the resolutions the best. However, before starting to jot down your goals for the year, let us borrow James Clear’s thoughts on goal setting. Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, claims that “goals are good for planning your progress and systems are good for actually making progress. Goals can provide direction and even push you forward in the short-term, but eventually, a well-designed system will always win. Having a system is what matters. Committing to the process is what makes the difference.” 2
An example: if you’re a writer, your goal is to write a book by a certain date. Your system is the daily writing schedule you follow. Committing to writing a blog every day is a process that makes a writer confident (s)he is going to get to his/her ultimate goal of publishing the book.
It is also true for a shift work operation. Goals are useful and needed for setting a direction, but you need a system in place to make progress. Deploying a vetted, transformed shift work system is the way to achieve many of the high priority goals. Changes in the outcome require changes in the process.
If some indicators have revealed that workforce and schedule related changes are needed for your business success, you might be ready to implement some change. A well-designed, transformed shift work system will ensure that the desired changes happen, and your resolutions come true. It will support numerous underlying goals, which include:
- Reduce employee turnover
- Improve overtime distribution policies
- Reduced absenteeism
- Increase employee involvement
- Improve work-life balance
- Eliminate unnecessary labor costs
- Improve communication with the workforce
- Adjust supervision: optimal direct-reports ratio
- Increase time for maintenance
- Fully staff all non-day shift positions
- Improve shift turnovers
- Identify workplace issues that employees find problematic
- Solve staffing needs for a seasonal workload
- Maximize productive time per line
- Maximize employee schedule satisfaction
- Build training time into the employee work schedule
- Implement interactive electronic employee schedule management system
- Increase schedule flexibility
- Improve technical support for non-day shift operations
- Increase workforce involvement in problem-solving exercises
That is how the right schedule in place can bring about happier employees. Side effects may include improved responsiveness to customer demands, an increase in revenues, a good grip on overtime, product quality improvements, and more effective communication with the workforce and within teams.
If you have questions or want to find out more, contact our team. Call or text us today at (415) 858-8585 to discuss your operations and how we can help you achieve your goals. You can also complete our contact form and we will call you.
Shiftwork Solutions’ Consulting Services creates a shift operation framework that enables business operations leaders to increase production and attract a skilled workforce into a custom-designed schedule. Our experts bring in best practices from wide-ranging industries with complex operations to tailor solutions for specific operational needs. Our data-driven processes, communication centered approach and project execution bring about the changes needed to improve business operations and production output, and reduce per-unit costs, while workers feel empowered to help the organization achieve its goals.
1. SMART ― specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based.
2. James Clear on goal setting https://jamesclear.com/goal-setting